Classic Reflections with Kel Richards
Thursday 7 Jun 2007 · Culture
Reflections begins a 3 part series called Unbelief unmasked. Tonight Kel looks at the mask of Atheism.
Kel Richards continues his 3 part series on Unbelief Unmasked. Tonight Kel looks at The Materialist. The person who explains life through the science of matter and energy.
Tuesday 15 May 2007 · Culture
Christianity is not about being good or religious, its about a person. Christianity is more like a fan club than anything. Join Kel Richards as he examines Christianity and Jesus Christ.
Friday 4 May 2007 · Culture
The final in the mini series at looking Christianity and Jesus Christ. Kel Richards looks at Jesus Christ through the eyes of the Jesus generation in the book of Mark.
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Thursday 3 May 2007 · Culture
Kel Richards continues his look at Christianity through Marks biography or gospel. This report is based on the memories of Peter, one of the very first followers of Jesus.
Tuesday 1 May 2007 · Culture
Chirstianity means Christ following or Christ believing. That makes Christianity the Jesus Christ fan club. Join Kel Richards as he continues his explanation of Christianity by looking at Marks Gospel.
Monday 30 Apr 2007 · Culture
Are you living your life under your own power, your own steam. Kel Richards invites you to stop trying and let Jesus be your way and power source.
Friday 27 Apr 2007 · Culture
Kel Richards continues his exploration of forgiveness and how you can tap into this forgiveness power for yourself.
There are 3 basic facts about forgiveness that need to need to be understood. Forgiveness is essential, forgiveness is costly and forgiveness begins with God. Join Kel Richards as he explores forgiveness power.
Thursday 26 Apr 2007 · Culture
Kel Richards explores the fascinating life of Kathy Diosy in her biography Forgiving Hitler. Join Kel as he tells the remarkable story of a woman who discovers the power of forgiveness.
Wednesday 25 Apr 2007 · Culture
Can you live your life without God? Kel Richards proposes it is a question of quality of life.
Tuesday 24 Apr 2007 · Culture
Kel Richards summarises, Plain Christianity, the talk that J B Phillips gave on ABC radio in 1954. What does a plain Christianity look like? Join Kel Richards as he explores inward tranquility, unquenchable spirit and love.