Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth - Castle Hill | Community Noticeboard | Hope 103.2

Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth – Castle Hill

Have you wondered why your witnessing falls flat and people fail to respond?

Many comment that science has disproved the Bible and therefore it is not relevant to today’s modern world.

But what’s the answer?

Can the majority of scientists really be wrong?

Evidence for design abounds.

Even some ardent atheists acknowledge this, but they deny the need for a Designer, attributing it to ‘evolution’.

Modern science reveals design that ‘shouts out’ that God created, as the Bible says.

Discover the answers with Dr Tas Walker when he brings his powerful message ‘Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth’.

Event Details

Organisation: Castle Hill Baptist Church

Contact: Stephen Henkel

Email Address:

Location: 13 Showground Road, Castle HIll


Phone Number: 0423035723 or 9634 2188 (Castle Hill Baptist Church office)

Date: 7PM - 8PM on Friday 1 November