[Image of man listening]
We want to help you maximise your time in God’s Word whether you’re driving, taking a walk, or spending time alone. So here are our five most popular Hope podcasts you can hear any time:
1. Morning Devotions – Enjoying Inner Peace
How do you find inner peace? In this episode of Morning Devotions, Chris Witts takes a look at how God offers us peace, joy, purpose, meaning, hope and eternal life – all in a relationship with Him. Listen now…
2. The Big Picture – Episode 1
In the first-ever episode of The Big Picture, Ben McEachen and Mark Hadley examine Will Smith’s latest film, Focus, and the Nine Network’s ANZAC tribute series, Gallipoli. You’ll also hear Ben’s ‘Top Five Date Movies’ and ‘What Your Kids Are Watching’. Listen now…
3. Christian Growth with Simon Manchester – Do People Listen?
The Bible says “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15). In this episode, Simon Manchester shows you the difference between hearing God’s Word and truly listening. Listen now…
4. Morning Devotions – Are You Disappointed? (Part 1)
You have a choice when it comes to allowing disappointments to defeat you. This special episode of Morning Devotions shows you what it takes to acknowledge your trouble, give it space and let the Lord pick you up. Listen now…
5. Christian Growth with Simon Manchester – Amos (Part 2)
Did you know that religion can actually hinder your relationship with God? In this episode of Christian Growth, Simon shows you how the Scriptures call us to walk with God not through mindless rituals, but in in humility, repentance and faith. Listen now…
We hope you’re encouraged by what you hear!