Thank You For Your Gift
Friend, thank you for your support.

Your gift is now off to work. First item on the agenda – bring real hope!
Your generous support is now fueling Hope 103.2, Inspire by Hope, Fresh, and Christmas Hope. 20+ podcasts. A million+ website visits. 20,000 daily REAL HOPE devotionals. 1.7million YouVersion Plan subscriptions. A YouTube channel bringing joy, fun and inspiration. A prayer team. A platform for ministries doing great work. A healthy and positive social media community.
You’re a part of sharing real hope with over a million people every month. People like Jan…
“Hope has been with me for many years, going through ups and downs of life with me. There have been many, many times your words, your music… coming into my heart like lightning through the darkness. I have been inspired, comforted, accompanied, and lifted. Thank you for sharing God’s love.” – Jan
Your Hope 103.2 is here for you and there’s so much more for you to enjoy

Request prayer
Prayer is powerful and an essential part of the mission you’re financially supporting. So, please let us know how we can pray for you. Yes, I would like prayer.

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The work of Hope 103.2
Do you want to know all of the areas where your gift is helping to impacting people with experiences of God’s love?
See snapshot of Hope 103.2’s other projects