Laura and Duncan rolled up their sleeves and hit the Samaritan’s Purse headquarters this morning, for a breakfast broadcast with a difference: filling shoeboxes with Christmas gifts. The broadcast was part of Operation Christmas Child, an annual initiative in which Australians pack shoeboxes of small Christmas gifts for children in developing nations around the world.

Tech guy Richard at Hope 1032 OCC Christmas Shoebox broadcast

Staff and volunteers joined in the fun, while Duncan and Laura completed various stunts including the ‘One More Box’ stacking challenge.

OCC team with Laura and Duncan at Hope 103.2 Christmas Shoebox broadcast

Duncan tried to deliver the complete experience to listeners by climbing into a box himself, ready to roll down a gravity-feed conveyer belt. His plan backfired, though, when he proved to be much too heavy (see video below)… Duncan will now be going on a pre-Christmas diet.

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