Voice of the Martyrs Australia - Sydney Local Business Directory - Hope 103.2

Voice of the Martyrs Australia

Voice of the Martyrs Australia was founded in 1969 and is part of a global partnership of independent missions started through the influence of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand who was imprisoned and tortured by communist authorities in his native Romania for 14 years, including three years in solitary confinement.

In 1967, Richard wrote Tortured for Christ, a firsthand account of the brutality he and other Christians suffered under Communism. It opened the eyes and hearts of Christians in Western countries who had never heard of the terrible persecution happening to believers living in communist nations. He wrote:

“The message I bring from the underground church is:
‘Don’t abandon us! Don’t forget us! Don’t write us off! Give us the tools we need! We will pay the price for using them!’”

Richard’s call to ‘remember the persecuted’ led to the establishment of Voice of the Martyrs ministry to persecuted Christians. Today, with persecution against Christians greater than ever before, we continue Richard’s mission to equip and support the persecuted church and act as their voice in the free world.

Our VOM Ministry is based on Hebrews 13:3

  • To encourage and empower Christians to fulfil the Great Commission in areas of the World where they are persecuted for their involvement in propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by providing Bibles, literature, radio broadcasts, medical assistance and other forms of aid
  • To give relief to the families of Christian martyrs in these areas of the world
  • To equip local Christians to win to Christ those persecutors who are opposed to the Gospel in countries where believers are actively persecuted for their Christian witness
  • To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries that have formerly suffered oppression
  • To emphasise the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of atrocities committed against Christians and by remembering their courage and faith.

P.O. Box 250
Lawson NSW 2783

Phone: (02) 4759 7000

Website: http://www.vom.com.au