“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” ~ Charlotte Brontë (Jane Eyre)

Key Points:

  • Jane’s unwavering strength and trust in both God and herself is what makes this book incredibly moving.
  • Jane Eyre is acclaimed as being Charlotte Brontë’s most famous and acclaimed work.
  • I give Jane Eyre 4 stars out of 5!

While the rain lashed against the window of a small breakfast room, little Jane Eyre curled up against it with a book.

Here, one of the most famous stories begins.

Here, we as the readers witness one of the many examples of Jane’s hardships in her life all before the end of the first chapter.

However, let me acknowledge that though this book seems grim, it remains to be one of the most powerful gothic love stories.

Jane’s unwavering strength and trust in both God and herself is what makes this book incredibly moving.

Jane Eyre is acclaimed as being Charlotte Brontë’s most famous and acclaimed work and is further a fabulous example of a book that has withstood the very test of time. It continues to captivate and shock readers almost two hundred years since its original publication.

As a character, Jane Eyre remains to be one of the most inspiring characters I have ever read about, despite her prior and continuous hardships throughout the novel. She is a person who is very true to herself and carries with her a hope that is truly inspirational.

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But how does this fantastic book portray God’s word? The answer to this can be found in Jane’s faith in God which carried her through her difficult times. Her continued hope and strength throughout the novel despite having nothing is truly inspirational.

Jane’s unwavering strength and trust in both God and herself is what makes this book incredibly moving.

Jane Eyre is acclaimed as being Charlotte Brontë’s most famous and acclaimed work.

There is a verse from the Bible which I believe captures the Christian message Jane Eyre projects: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

What I love most about this thought-provoking verse is that God’s word is assuring us that even though our life will throw us challenges, He is always watching out for us and will always be there to help and guide us.

This stunning classic deeply resonates with me because I think Jane is an inspiring character. Despite having nothing she shows throughout the novel that she is resilient, strong in her morals, kind, and has a faith in God which deeply inspired me to strengthen my own faith.

Jane Eyre is an amazing read, and one of my favourite classics! I would highly recommend it to everyone and anyone. So, what are you waiting for? Happy reading everyone!

I give Jane Eyre 4 stars out of 5!

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Photo of Scarlett supplied and used with permission

Article written by Scarlett, a high-school student who is writing book reviews as part of her Duke of Edenborough work. She has a passion for reading and creative writing and hopes to one day publish her own novel.

Book cover image supplied. Photo of Scarlett supplied and used with permission.

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